Uncover each hint by running your mouse down the page top to bottom. You may want to uncover them one at a time
to give yourself an extra challenge! The lines that begin with HINT contain subsequent steps of the method of
scientific problem solving used in these activities. Click anywhere on these lines to revel that step. Some hints have images that
go along with the text. Take a glimpse of these pictures by placing your mouse on top of the IMAGE HINT box. Click the
revealed image to lock it in place. That way, if the mouse is moved off of the IMAGE HINT, it remains visible.
Uncover each hint by running your mouse down the page top to bottom. You
may want to uncover them one at a time to give yourself an extra
challenge! You can make the hints "stick" by clicking on them; they
will then be visible even if your mouse leaves the box containing the
hint. The lines that begin with HINT contain subsequent steps of the
method of scientific problem solving used in these activities. Click
anywhere on these lines to reve[a]l that step. Some hints have images
that go along with the text. Take a glimpse of these pictures by placing
your mouse on top of the IMAGE HINT box. Click the revealed image to
lock it in place. That way, if the mouse is moved off of the IMAGE HINT,
it remains visible.
Good Luck!