The question asks us to determine the physical size of the Andromeda Galaxy.
We know that the angular size of the Andromeda Galaxy is equal to 3 degrees and that it is 2 million light years away.
The size of the remnant
L = θ * d
Picture Hint
Where θ is angular size of the observed object and d is the distance from the observation to that object.

NOTE: This formula uses the approximation that when angle θ is small, sin(θ) ≈ θ.
θ = 3°
d = 2 x 106 lightyears
Let's use unit analysis:
L(lightyears) = θ° * distance(lightyears)
Since we want our answer in lightyears, we will have to convert degrees to radians (to satisfy the requirements for the assumption that sin(θ) is approximately equal to θ).

θ = 3° * 2π/360° = 0.052 rad;

So, L(lightyears) = theta * distance(lightyears), and our answer will have the correct units!
L = 0.052 radians * 2 x 106 lightyears = 1 x 105 lightyears
This is very roughly the same size as the Milky Way!

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